Since 1981, Operation Nightwatch has been providing radical hospitality to alleviate the isolation experienced by those living on the streets. We also distribute essential items and offer drop in mental health support to those who request it.

Living unhoused is perhaps the loneliest experience there is. Shunned, rejected, and isolated; our unhoused community members live most of their lives in social isolation. This seclusion tends to compound other life struggles, be it unemployment, physical disability, mental illness, or addiction. Furthermore, evening is the most inaccesble time of day, devoid of low barrier services or basic aid of any kind. Hungry, cold, and hurting - those who need help must endure unimaginably long hours to access support.

Operation Nightwatch recognizes all of this. Through our hospitality center, we provide not only a safe place where those on the streets can find basic survival materials (food, socks, blankets, etc.), but also caring staff and volunteers who will listen to their stories and welcome them as friends. And thanks to our Mental Health Initiative, Operation Nightwatch is able to provide free individual counseling sessions to interested guests as well as crisis intervention.

For at least a few hours a few evenings a week, we offer a place where our unhoused community may feel at home.